Roads and Public Works
Austin’s road network is comprised of 132.1 km of roads and streets, of which:
- 57.3 km are municipal
- 53.3 km are private
- 21.5 km are provincial (Route 112 as well as Nicholas-Austin, Cooledge and Fisher roads)
In addition to the public network, the Municipality maintains some 20 km of private roads by permission of the owner(s). The annual costs are reimbursed to the Municipality by means of a local improvement charge.
To report a problem on the municipal road network, please contact the Road Inspector:
819 820-5928
- Roadwork Advisories
There are no roadwork advisories at this time.
- Culverts
Where a public road must be drained toward a ditch, the owner of a property must, at his own expense, install a culvert under the entrance to his property.
Maximum usable width allowed:
for a private entrance leading to a residence 6 metres for a main entrance
leading to a farm8 metres for an entrance leading to a commercial or industriel building 11 metres Other guidelines:
- The culvert must be at least 45 cm (18 inches) in diameter
- It must be made either from cement or corrugated galvanised steel
- The slope of the entrance’s shoulder must be directed toward the ditch in such a way as to ensure that it is not altered by erosion.
- The entrance must be set back at least 2 metres from an adjacent property.
The owner of a property adjacent to the public road is responsible for maintaining the culvert under the entrance to his property. He must see to it that it is free from obstructions to facilitate water drainage.
- Street lights
To reduce light pollution and preserve the night sky, the Municipality installs street lights only at the intersection of municipal roads .
Conversion of all public lighting to LED is ongoing since 2010.
To report a malfunction or a failure
Contact the Municipality:
819 843-2388
Please provide an adequate description of the malfunctioning street light’s location.
Because these repairs require specialised services, there may be a delay before your request is processed.
- Summer Road Maintenance
Summer operations on the road network include:
on paved roads:
- street sweeping
- repairs and sealing cracks
- painting lines
on gravel roads:
- grading
- re-gravelling
- applying a dust-abatement product
Moreover, the following operations are effected on all municipal roads :
- roadside vegetation control
- berm cleaning
- ditch and roadside maintenance
- installation and maintenance of road signs
- pruning of trees located in the road allowance
- Winter Road Maintenance
Snow removal and the de-icing operations on our roads, streets, public parking lots and around fire hydrants make up the bulk of winter road operations.
Please assist our snow removal crews by following the rules:
- Avoid parking your car in the road.
- Set your rolling bins away from the road
- Do not throw snow from your property into the public road, nor push it to the other side of the road.
Do you wish to know more about our snow removal and de-icing operations?
Watch our video clip for an overview of our winter roads contract and how it really works in the field. (Video sub-titled in English.)