Parks and other outdoor facilities
Shappie Trough
64 North Road
The park is nearly four acres of land, located on the former Chaput family land – whence the distorted name Shappie . There is a spring there, which once supplied a trough for horses in addition to providing drinking water to people in the area.
- Child’s Rights Trail
- Universal access (partly)
- Interpretation panels
- Hebertism modules (obstacle course)
- Multifunctional Stage (theater)
- Seats
- Interpretation panels (circuit patrimonial)
- Parking
Municipal Park
22 Millington Rd. (across the street from Town Hall)
819 843-7179 (Chalet des sports)
Residents who wish to use the facilities for a regular activity (e.g. hockey league, pétanque) or a tournament (e.g. softball) are invited to contact the Municipal Office at 819 843-2388 to make reservations.
- Softball field
- Chalet des sports (kitchen, restrooms, common room). Headquarters of the Summer Day Camp in the summer. Heated in winter for users of the skating rink.
- Sheltered picnic area
- Lighted skating rink
- Pétanque court
- Swing set and playground
- Self-serve community toy box
- Fireflies’ Small Theater
Fessenden Park
Intersection of Nicholas-Austin and Millington roads
One of the stopovers in our Heritage Trail, this park commemorates Austin native Reginald Aubrey Fessenden (1866-1932), prolific inventor and telecommunications pioneer.
Chagnon-Shonyo Park
Intersection of North Rd. with Route 112
Located at the northern edge of the former township of Bolton granted to Nicholas Austin and his associates in 1797, the park is named after the nearby mountain that bore both names. The rotunda’s interpretation panels recount the history of the Municipality’s northern sector and provide insights on the exceptional character of the natural surroundings. Parking and restrooms nearby.
Muriel-Ball-Duckworth Park
1 Millington Rd.
Adjacent to the Saint-Austin church in the heart of the village and starting point of the Heritage Trail, this park commemorates Muriel Ball-Duckworth, a great citizeness of the world and descendant of Nicholas Austin.
Other Facilities
Bryant’s Landing
All users of Lake Memphremagog must familiarize themselves with the Code of Ethics for Water Activities on Lake Memphremagog and respect it at all times. Failure to do so may result in legal penalties.
Operations Schedule
Opening: Last Friday in April (start of the fishing season)
Custodian hours: 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. (subject to change without notice)
Closing: Day after Labour Day
Austin residents: Free
Non-residents :
Daily pass $ 50
Season pass $ 400
Points of sale (stickers and parking permis) :
Monday to Friday: Town Hall, 21 Millington Rd. (during Municipal Office hours)
Saturday and Sunday: Bryant’s Landing (during opening hours)
Mandatory Boat Wash
To prevent infestations by zebra mussels and other harmful species, all watercraft (including sailboards, pedal boats, canoes, kayaks, etc.) must have on board a User Certificate (sticker) or a valid Boat Wash Certificate issued by a Lake Memphremagog wash station.
There is no boat wash station at Bryant’s Landing.
Please consult map published by the Memphremagog MRC for a list of wash stations.
Skating Rink
The outdoor skating rink at the Municipal Park is open every day from 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., weather permitting.
- Mandatory helmet
- Maximum 25 persons on the ice
- 2-metre physical distancing between all family bubbles
- Hockey : solo or family bubble only
- First come, first served!
- Priority to Austin citizens
- Hourly rotation, as needed