Our Elders Remember

The Origins of Autin. The Founding Families.
16 December 2020 – The Heritage Committee is pleased to announce the launch of its new film The Origins of Austin. The Founding Families.
This documentary presents, in three chapters, another installment of our history, featuring the ancestors of permanent and of seasonal families who have been long established in Austin. A third chapter showcases the Dutch immigrants who came to help Mrs. Lily Butters at the hospital she founded for mentally handicapped children.
Growing Up in Austin, 1920-1960
Since 2011, the Cultural Committee has conducted interviews and filmed many citizens to record what they had to say about their ancestors, their childhood, their youth and their life in Austin. These documents, essentially videos and pictures, are invaluable in the preservation of the history of our municipality.
A first film, « Growing Up in Austin, 1920-1960, » was presented in 2018. This bilingual documentary is comprised of 5 chapters and a conclusion.
The different chapters can be viewed directly from this page (see below). The Municipality has also recorded the film on a USB key for citizens who wish to download it onto their personal computer. The key can be borrowed at the Municipal Office upon payment of a $15 refundable deposit.
Chapter 1: The Municipality of Austin. Getting Around.
Chapter 2: The Homestead
Chapter 3: Working on the Farm. Working Outdoors.
Chapter 4: School
Chapter 5: Seasonal Recreation