Important message concerning the online payment of your 2025 tax bill

An error occured in the printing of your 2025 tax bill: the registration number (« matricule ») printed on the payment coupons at the bottom of the tax bill has only 10 digits while 18 digits are required to pay through your financial institution (that is, online).

This error does not affect persons who pay cash or by cheque.

If you are paying online, please proceed as follows:

  • If you paid your tax bill online last year, the reference number required by the financial institution should already appear in the payment application. You can therefore pay your tax bill online without any problem.

Exception : if your property was subdivided or if lots were grouped together, you must contact Taxation at 819 843-2388, ext. 227.

  • If you did not pay your tax bill online last year but wish to do so this year, you can – if you still have one of the payment coupons attached to last year’s tax bill – just use the 18-digit « matricule » that is printed on it. (The payment coupon is the only place where this 18-digit number appears.)

CAUTION: Do not use the « matricule » numbers in the above example as they will not correspond to your tax account.

  • If neither of the above options are possible for you, contact the Municipality to get the full « matricule » number:

call 819 843-2388 and dial 0 (please have your tax bill in hand);
write to, taking care to indicate the 10-digit « matricule » number or the address of the property printed on the tax bill.

We are sorry for the inconvenients this may have caused you and thank in in advance for your understanding.