The Municipal Park Is Getting a Makeover!

Friday 15 September 2023
Sunday 15 October 2023

The Municipality is undertaking a complete refurbishment of the Municipal Park (22 Millington Rd.) to rejuvenate it and to adapt it to the growing and varied needs of the population.  Amongst other things, let’s note the need for a multipurpose covered structure to accomodate the day camp and a variety of activities, in all four seasons. In the short term, the Municipality will undertake the construction of a multipurpose concrete slab for the skating rink. A roof will eventually be added in a subsequent phase of the project. The Municipality made a first survey on the park’s refurbisment in the summer of 2021, allowing us to identify several wishes. The municipal Council took into account all those suggestions and it is currently being counselled by a specialized firm, NaturEden, to finalize the definitive configuration of the park and its installations. It has already been decided that the chalet and the pétanque court will be kept, while the space currently occupied by the ball field – which is used only once or twice per year and whose fences are to be removed shortly – will be reallocated for other uses. Take part in the online consultation from September 15 to October 15 and give us your opinion on the different propositions concerning the infrastructure and the global configuration of the park. Take part in tharticipez à la consultation